Modified Files:
src/sbbs3/js_global.c jsexec.c mailsrvr.c main.cpp sbbs_ini.c sbbsdefs.h
services.c startup.h websrvr.c
Log Message:
Allow fine-grained control over JavaScript compiler options via *.iniJavaScriptOptions bit-field can be set in sbbs.ini and jsexec.ini to over-ride the default JS compiler options which have been changed from 0 to (options previously only used by JSDoor):JIT | METHODJIT | COMPILE_N_GO | PROFILING* JIT - TraceMonkey* METHODJIT - JägerMonkey* COMPILE_N_GO - compile-time scope chain resolution of consts* PROFILING - Choose between TraceMonkey and JägerMonkey at compile-time based on profiling resultsOther options available but not enabled by default:* STRICT - warn on debious practice (i.e. similar to "use strict")* WERROR - convert warnings to errors* VAROBJFIX - use last object on scope chain as the ECMA 'variables object'* RELIMIT - Throw exception on any regular expression which backtracks more than n^3 times, where n is length of the input string* ANONFUNFIX - Disallow function () {} in statement context per ECMA-262 Edition 3.* METHODJIT_ALWAYS -
Always whole-method JIT, don't tune at run-time.Also:- Fixed JS warning string formatting (missing space separator).- Removed an extraneous new-line in lprintf() call in mailsrvr.- Added basic assertEq() global method to jsexec, required when running SpiderMonkey test scripts.
--- SBBSecho 3.13-Linux
* Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs] (1:103/705)