Crikey, for a ham related chat group, there's not a lot of interaction.
Is it just that there are so few users?
ANY hobby...whether the BBS, ham radio, or something else...should NEVER
take priority over things like church, health, family, job, or especially "honey-do's". Otherwise, that new rig you have your eye on for your birthday
or Christmas, may be going back to the candy store (hi hi).
I also tell folks if you have something going on at the time of a traffic net...such as:
1) Medical Emergency (call 911!)
2) Weather Emergency (get to the storm cellar)
3) Family Meal (that is quality time)
4) Another net you have to run or check into (too many nets, too little time)
Do NOT worry about checking into a net. For the first 2, if you don't take the appropriate action, it may be the last thing you do before you become a Silent Key.
Daryl, WX4QZ
... H.A.M. Radio Operator: H)ave A)nother M)eal.
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■ Synchronet ■ The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas